Essential Oil for High Blood Pressure

Essential oil for high blood pressure

Also called hypertension, high blood pressure is a very common problem affecting many people today. In the past, it used to be a health challenge associated with the elderly, but in recent times there has been a growing trend among younger people to have high blood pressure, especially people in their middle ages. In the same vein, essential oil for high blood pressure is becoming widely used as a preventive measure.

If you suffer from mild or chronic high blood pressure, this is a condition that you should not ignore or take for granted. With the right lifestyle and regular use of remedies like essential oil for high pressure, you should be able to manage the condition. Failure to manage it may lead to serious consequences like a heart attack or stroke.

Types and Causes of High blood pressure

For starters, blood pressure is simply the measure of blood flow force that pushes against the vessel walls. The heart is the organ responsible for pumping blood into the various vessels (the Pipeline responsible for transporting the blood to every part of the body. If the flow pressure becomes very high, the heart will work extra hard to pump the blood, which will cause the arteries to harden or lead to a stroke, kidney or heart failure or atherosclerosis.

What is normal blood pressure?

If there is something called high blood pressure, then there must be normal blood pressure. If you take a reading of your blood pressure and it reads 120/80, it means your blood pressure rate is fine.

Here is a numeric interpretation of blood pressure rates.

Normal rate: Under 120/80

Elevated rate: 120-129/ less than 80

High blood pressure Stage 1: 130-139/80-89

High blood pressure Stage 2: 140-above/90-above

For those who are facing a hypertension crisis, their rate will read 180/higher than 120. People who fall into this category face near-death and should see their doctor immediately; otherwise, they could drop dead.

Causes of High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is caused by multiple factors, including

  • Lack of physically stimulating activity
  • Smoking
  • Obesity and Overweightedness
  • Excess salt in food
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Genetics
  • Old age
  • Stress
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Sleep apnea
  • Family-related high blood pressure

Essential/Secondary Hypertension

There are two other conditions you should know about called essential and secondary high blood pressure

Essential High Blood Pressure

Essential high blood pressure or hypertension is the most common type of high blood pressure suffered by people with this condition. This condition has still not been robustly understood by researchers, but it is often genetically linked. People with this condition mostly have relatives who have the same condition. Essential high blood pressure is also more likely to affect men than women, and race plays a part as well. This is evident because black people in the U.S are two times more likely to suffer high blood pressure than white people. Women with genetic essential high blood pressure are more vulnerable after crossing 65 years of age.

Furthermore, the condition is greatly influenced by lifestyle and diet with a strong link to salt. For instance, there is an argument in some quarters that people who reside in Northern Japan have the highest rate of essential hypertension because they consume more salt than any other race in the world though this claim remains unfounded. Essential hypertension sufferers are salt sensitive, so an above-average salt consumption triggers the condition. Other factors that may trigger it include

  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Stress
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Alcohol abuse

Secondary High Blood Pressure

Then there is secondary high blood pressure which is also called secondary hypertension. Of all the factors that can trigger this condition, kidney-related disease ranks the highest. It can also be triggered by an abnormal increase in small glands that covers the top of the kidney or the secretion of excess hormones. Birth control pills have also been identified as a factor because these pills contain estrogen.

So if you experience any of these above conditions and want to try to lower your blood pressure rate, there are healthy ways to do it without using medications that may cause unpleasant side effects. One healthy ingredient is an essential oil for high blood pressure.

What is essential oil?

Essential oil is an oily compound extracted from plants and trees in their natural form. The oils have a natural flavor and fragrance that contain certain characteristics. These scents or fragrances also have certain characteristics that improve the physical and mental state of the user.

The oil is extracted from the plant using a process such as a cold press, distillation or proven mechanical methods that prevent ingredient loss. Once the ingredient has been extracted, the oil is either bottled or mixed with a carrier oil for use.

 How does an essential work?

This oil is used for several purposes, including in aromatherapy. When applied either through diffusion, or skin application, its molecule is absorbed, taking effect. But note that the mode of application determines how it works.

Skin application is one common method, and so is inhalation. For greater effect, the second method is far more effective. Inhaling essential oils stimulates the limbic system (part of the brain that triggers emotions and long-term memory). The Limbic system is also responsible for unconscious functions like breathing, blood pressure and heart rate. This is why essential oils have a marked effect on the mental, psychological and physical state of the body leading many to call it an all-encompassing natural herb.

Essential oil for High blood pressure safety

Many people with high blood pressure symptoms use essential oils but are they safe?

For starters, essential oils have few side effects and no known life-threatening risks when used directly or indirectly as directed by experts. The only time they pose a serious risk is when used improperly, like ingesting through the mouth or not mixing it with a carrier oil before use.

For pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers or those with chronic allergies, essential oils are not conducive for such people. Generally, interested users are advised to consult their doctors before using any essential oil.

Types of Essential oil for High blood pressure

In the first part of this article, we provided information on the different types of high blood pressure, blood pressure ratings and causes of high blood pressure. In this second part, we want to review the types of essential oils that work well to reduce high blood pressure.

Lavender oil

Lavender is arguably one of the most widely used essential oil besides tea tree oil. This oil is used by aromatherapists to cure anxiety and stress. Lavender stimulates stable blood flow, and it also calms the nerves. If used with a carrier oil like coconut oil, it can positively affect the body. Using a Lavender air freshener in your home is one way to improve your mood and stabilize blood pressure.

Rose oil

Oils extracted from the Rose flower are quite efficacious. Firstly, it has mood calming properties, making it a perfect treatment for hypertensive people. Secondly, it improves blood circulation and control pressure. An added benefit is that it is good for the skin since it improves collagen production and evens out skin tone.

Bergamot oil

Bergamot has a positive effect on blood pressure, especially if it is mixed in a blend containing lavender and Ylang Ylang oils. This oil is also good for the upper and lower respiratory tract; that is why aromatherapists inculcate it into their body care routines.

Citronella oil

Citronella oil has several uses unrelated to the subject of discourse, but for high blood pressure, it is effective for dealing with associated symptoms. If diffused or added to steamy water, the vapor may reduce blood pressure rates and also improve respiratory functions.

Lime oil

Lime is a widely used fragrance, but this oil is very good for oral and skin health. You can use lime oil to boost your immunity so as to reduce potential hypertension symptoms. Lime oil is also a stress reliever.

Frankincense oil

Frankincense is one of the oldest herbs known to man and has been a key component of ancient medicine. Frankincense reduces high blood pressure, cures inflammation and alleviates stress.

Marjoram oil

Marjoram oil is great for the heart because it boosts its function. Inhaling Marjoram also lightens the mood.

How to use essential oil for High blood pressure?

All the oils listed above can reduce high blood pressure, and there are a few ways to use them. Let’s look at some of them.

Add to your body lotion

If you use body lotion regularly and want essential oils to be an ever-present natural compound in your daily routine, you can add a few drops of essential oil and carrier oil into the lotion. Do well to mix the essential oil with a Carrier oil like almond or olive oil before adding it to the lotion. Them mix properly before use.

Diffuse the oil

The most effective way to use essential oil for high blood pressure is to diffuse it. Add some drops of the oil and carrier oil into your diffuser to vaporize it.

Use in a steam bath

Another option is to bathe with the oil. Add a few drops of essential and carrier oils into warm water and bath with it. As you do so, you will inhale sow of the molecules while your skin absorbs the rest.

Inhale it

You can inhale it directly from the bottle. Just open up the bottle containing the essential oil and inhale it a few times daily. Note that this practice is not advisable if your sinus is very sensitive.

Using an essential oil blend

You can also use two or more essential oils to blend for greater effect. This involves the mixing of several oils into a single solution to enjoy all the benefits that they offer.

Here are some blends you can try at home to stabilize blood pressure.

For creams and lotions

  • 4 drops of lavender oil
  • 4 drops of Frankincense
  • 3 drops of coconut oil
  • 4 drops of Clary sage

Usage: Use the oil to massage pressure points like your elbows, temples, ankles, wrists and nose.

For diffuser

  • 2 drops of Almond oil
  • 3 drops of Lavender oil
  • 3 drops of Ylang Ylang

Usage: After mixing them, pour into your diffuser and slowly inhale the vapor.

Essential oil for high blood pressure are of different types, but they all serve the same purpose. They improve blood circulation, reduce anxiety and alleviate stress. If used correctly, your should be able to bring your blood pressure under control and prevent it from spiking.

Essential oil for high blood pressure FAQ

Do essential oils reduce blood pressure?

Research remains limited, but it is a proven fact that they reduce anxiety and stress, which are the root factors of high blood pressure.

Which category of people is most likely to experience high blood pressure?

People who may likely suffer from high blood pressure include smokers, alcohol and drug abusers, people with a family history of the condition, women on pregnancy pills etc.

What is the most effective way to use essential oil for high blood pressure?

The most effective way to use essential oil for high blood pressure is diffusion.

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